Population & Poverty

Population and poverty data focuses on analyzing demographic data, including population distribution and poverty rates, to provide insights into socioeconomic patterns and disparities within geographic areas.

Current Population & Poverty Estimates

Comprehensive demographic estimation methodology integrates various factors such as age, sex, and race/ethnicity to provide precise population estimates at the census tract level, particularly within areas where the city boundaries intersect with census tracts (split tracts). Utilizing a combination of decennial census data and refined statistical models, our estimations are updated annually, incorporating recent birth, mortality, and migration statistics. These estimations are meticulously aligned with the official population figures provided by the California Department of Finance (CA DOF) for cities and counties, ensuring accuracy and consistency. Additionally, we offer population breakdowns by city and community, offering a detailed insight into the demographic landscape of each locality.

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Population Comparison 2000, 2010, & 2020 Census

Comprehensive demographic estimation methodology integrates various factors such as age, sex, and race/ethnicity to provide precise population estimates at the census tract level, particularly within areas where the city boundaries intersect with census tracts (split tracts). Utilizing a combination of decennial census data and refined statistical models, our estimations are updated annually, incorporating recent birth, mortality, and migration statistics. These estimations are meticulously aligned with the official population figures provided by the California Department of Finance (CA DOF) for cities and counties, ensuring accuracy and consistency. Additionally, we offer population breakdowns by city and community, offering a detailed insight into the demographic landscape of each locality.

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Poverty Comparison 2000, 2010, & 2020 Census

Provide an in-depth poverty estimate, delineated across various Federal Poverty Level (FPL) thresholds, amalgamated by split tract and further segmented by age, sex, and race/ethnicity, on a yearly basis. Additionally, furnish poverty statistics delineated by city and community. This comprehensive approach not only offers a granular understanding of poverty dynamics within different demographic strata but also provides localized insights crucial for targeted intervention and policy formulation.

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Census Data Analysis

eGIS Demography team analyze demographic and housing characteristics based on different Census Decennial Data and Census ACS Data for the county of Los Angeles.